Premium Australian Water Filtration.
Over 30 years of experience.
Freshly Squeezed Water Co. has been servicing Australian families’ drinking water needs for over 30 years. Bench top and under-sink water filtration systems for the home and office. Custom designed and manufactured filtration systems for RV’s, caravans and 4IND’s. Fantastic range of filter cartridges for our systems, quality filter components, excellent output and warranty backed.
Premium Australian water filtration.
We manufacture our own high grade filtration products for a wide range of filtration systems. Our filters and systems are made to Australian Waterwise standards.
Quality products & services.
Join our loyal, long-time customers and benefit from our many years of experience and our high level of customer service. Get peace of mind knowing your filters are high quality, excel at contaminant removal and we will even send you reminders as your filters are coming up for renewal.
Reminder letters for our customers
Our customers receive a reminder letter before their filters are due, making keeping track of when to change your filters simple, just wait for the letter. If you are not sure which filter needs changing don’t hesitate to contact us and we will let you know.
Over 30 years’ experience
We have been servicing our customers water filtration needs for over 30 years, knowledge backed by experience.
Large selection of filters
We carry a wide range of filters to suit your needs, from our home Snapseal systems to the 10″ housing systems and filters as well as shower and fridge filter options.
Large variety of systems
We have a large variety of water filtration systems to suit your needs, from our hugely popular home Snapseal systems to Big Blue farm systems to the High Flow Traveller and Voyager RV systems.
Quality filters, quality results
Our filters are designed to meet Australian Waterwise standards, backed by their lifespan warranty against defects you can trust that your water is being effectively filtered when it passes through our filters.
Installation service available
For our Sydney customers we have an installation service available. To find out more about our installation service simply click here.

We manufacture high grade filtration products for a wide range of filtration systems. Our filters and systems are made to Australian Waterwise standards.

We all know staying hydrated benefits the body and mind, but why filter your water? What is wrong with tap water? The answer is nothing is wrong with tap water and we encourage you to drink water, however there are some things in tap water that may not be so desirable. Our filters target the bad and leave the good, giving you the best water possible.
Chlorine is added to kill the germs in the water. It is put within permissible amounts however we prefer our water without chemicals and our filters are more than capable of killing live bugs that may be in the water as well as removing 99% of chlorine.
Old pipes
Your drinking water may be relatively free of dirt and rust when it leaves the water treatment works, but it travels a fair distance before it gets to our taps. It could be travelling kilometres through rusty old pipes before making it to our taps.
Bacteria and live bugs are the primary reason chlorine is added to our water because they are things we definitely don’t want in our water. Our high-end filters are capable of removing live bugs and bacteria, making sure your water is a pure as possible.
Essential Minerals
Not everything added to your water is bad, essential minerals like Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium are also present and these are things that your body needs. Our filters take out the bad elements and leave the good ones.
Have questions about water filters or systems?
We are open 9am-5pm weekdays. Our experienced staff are ready to answer your questions.